Press release in Kurier Drzewny on October  2022

Press release in Tygodnik Siedlecki on September  2022

Supported by a Grant from the people of Norway

Supported by a Grant from the people of Norway
Project title: "Implementation of innovative solutions in manufactured machines by introducing a new technological process for cutting and bending elements constituting individual components of manufactured machines" (Project title Implementation of innovative solutions in manufactured machines by introducing a new technological

process regarding cutting and bending elements constituting individual components of manufactured machines.)

Implemented under the priority axis 19 of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021

measure 19.1 New Products and Investments, sub-measure 19.1.1 Environmentally friendly technologies - Green growth

Press release in Kurier Drzewny on May 2022

Press release in Tygodnik Siedlecki on March 30, 2022

Press release in Tygodnik Siedlecki on September 22, 2021

Information about the start of the project in "Kurier Drzewny"

"Article in Kurier Drzewny 10/2021"